Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pain in the Neck!

I have a pain in the neck right now...literally...It hurts. Oh well.

Maybe our current home remodel is manifesting itself in the form of pain. Guess I'll have to live with it for now.

Updates...We are doing a Wednesday night bible study since we aren't having AWANA through the summer months. We are covering the life of David. I have had some requests to study The Book of Revelation, but I told them I need a few months to prepare for that.

We start VBS Sunday night, and then have Kids Camp July 7th-11th. I might not attend all of Kids camp since I will be the only sponsor at Teen camp two weeks after.

What else...let's see. Julia just got home, well about a week and a half ago, after spending 2 1/2 weeks with her family in Ohio. I nearly went crazy while she was gone...I'm so glad she is back.

Finally, since I don't blog much and nobody is reading anyways, I will gripe about gas prices. They are going to cost me any chance to take a decent vacation this summer and I am a little perturbed about that. I will be in need of some relaxation before this summer is over and I would like to do that somewhere outside of Oklahoma, but alas that may just be a pipe dream. Oh well.

Anyways till next month, or if your lucky, maybe sooner...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

New vehicle

We are slowly saying goodbye to the days of our youth. Julia and I purchased our first real grown-up vehicle last Saturday. It is a 2005 Ford Freestyle. It has 3 rows of seats and can seat up to 7 people. It can get up to 30 miles to the gallon on the highway too.

It was either that or a 2008 corvette. Had to flip a coin, but ended up going with the Freestyle.

Bye bye sports cars and 4 wheel drive trucks...hello station waggons and mini-vans.

Or in this case a vanaggon...thanks for the new term Jimmy.

Commercial Update!

Our Church commercial is set to air a week from Saturday. It will be on the air in the Clinton/Elk City market every Saturday night 2 to 3 times on TNT.

Please be in prayer for us as we learn to use this commercial as a tool to invite people to our church and a way to lead people to Christ.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

2 Milestones to speak of...

Two of the last three Sundays (March 23rd and March 30th) have been somewhat of milestones for myself and the church here in Clinton.

On the 23rd (Easter Sunday) we had 67 people in attendance, which set an attendance record for a Sunday morning service. It was great, and somewhere between 15-20 were first time guests.

Then on March 30th (the next Sunday) I turned 30 years old. That is just crazy to me. I mean just yesterday I was trying to somehow survive my first year of college, and then boom...12 years passed.

Anyways, I'm not sure if it is all the excitement from the last couple of weeks, or just my old age getting to me, but I am tired. We'll blame it on all the excitement for now.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Advertising your church.

So we've decided to do a commercial for our church. I am excited and nervous about this all at the same time. I know that the commercial will get our name out there and will hopefully get people interested in knowing more about us, but I also know that a commercial is pointless without our prayers and efforts. Commitment is a big thing. I try and push myself to maintain or even increase my commitment level, but I know that I can't be the only one committed to our cause. I have confidence in our church to be committed, I just tend to get impatient when things don't happen how or when I expect them too.

This commercial is a big financial step for us, but I pray that it is a big commitment step for us too.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

It finally happened!

After 6 plus months on the market we finally received our first offer for our house in Norman. Nothing is set yet because we had to counter, and it may not work out in the end, but an offer is better than no offer. I'm not planning how to spend our newly freed up money just yet, but I will if this thing becomes official. Prayers would be appreciated.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What's happening in Clinton???

Update time. Let's see.

The few weeks since Christmas have been good ones for our church and for Julia and I. They have been tough ones too though.

1. Got back to our normal routines after a week (week and a half for Julia) in Ohio, and a weekend in Duncan.

2. Began planning for the 2008 year for the church.

3. Had our 1st annual planning meeting as a church and we made the following decisions.

a. Begin new Sunday Night Home groups every 1st Sunday of the month.

b. Update our youth program (jr and sr. high) to be more beneficial for our teens.

c. Scheduled four "Super Sundays" as attendance push Sundays.

d. Approved mass advertisment for these "Super Sundays"
(ie. radio, postcards, newspaper, etc.)
e. Made commitment to upkeep of website.

f. Made commitment to step up our efforts to invite people to church and ordered
buisness cards as tools to help invite and inform people.

g. Made decision to incorporate praise and worship choruses with the hymns durring our
Sunday morning service.

4. Julia and I began planning for a trip to Orlando in March with her family.

5. Julia began looking for a new job.

All in all hectic, fun, crazy, exciting, sad, happy...pretty normal.

Giving this the old college try.

Since I haven't really kept up with my blog too well, I am going to try and start a new commitment to blogging. We'll see how it works out.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New Year...New Obsession

So far this new year the Christmas present that has been the most popular is one of the gifts I got Julia. She has been a fan of the NBC show "The Office" since it came on a few years ago and even enjoyed watching the original british version for a while. So I bought her seasons 1 and 2 on DVD (great package deal at a store in Penn Square)...I had seen a few episodes and found them somewhat entertaining, but I had never really got into them.

Well we started with season 1 after returning from Ohio just after Christmas. The six episode season 1 didn't last through the 1st night...season 2 lasted just about a week. Before we finished season 2 I started telling Julia we needed to get season 3. We did (while visiting my parents in Duncan...they have a Wal-mart, we don't) and it was a good thing, because season 2 ended with a huge cliff hanger...

Season 3 is going a little slower now that we are back to our regular schedules following the holidays. We are ready to get caught up to the show in real time (made a little easier by the writers strike)...Luckily all of the current season (season 4) is available on NBC.Com.

That way it is just a once a week thing and not an every night thing...Not that I haven't enjoyed it, but I've got plenty of other things to do with my evenings...Not that I'm complaining...The office is great.