Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pain in the Neck!

I have a pain in the neck right now...literally...It hurts. Oh well.

Maybe our current home remodel is manifesting itself in the form of pain. Guess I'll have to live with it for now.

Updates...We are doing a Wednesday night bible study since we aren't having AWANA through the summer months. We are covering the life of David. I have had some requests to study The Book of Revelation, but I told them I need a few months to prepare for that.

We start VBS Sunday night, and then have Kids Camp July 7th-11th. I might not attend all of Kids camp since I will be the only sponsor at Teen camp two weeks after.

What else...let's see. Julia just got home, well about a week and a half ago, after spending 2 1/2 weeks with her family in Ohio. I nearly went crazy while she was gone...I'm so glad she is back.

Finally, since I don't blog much and nobody is reading anyways, I will gripe about gas prices. They are going to cost me any chance to take a decent vacation this summer and I am a little perturbed about that. I will be in need of some relaxation before this summer is over and I would like to do that somewhere outside of Oklahoma, but alas that may just be a pipe dream. Oh well.

Anyways till next month, or if your lucky, maybe sooner...