Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New Year...New Obsession

So far this new year the Christmas present that has been the most popular is one of the gifts I got Julia. She has been a fan of the NBC show "The Office" since it came on a few years ago and even enjoyed watching the original british version for a while. So I bought her seasons 1 and 2 on DVD (great package deal at a store in Penn Square)...I had seen a few episodes and found them somewhat entertaining, but I had never really got into them.

Well we started with season 1 after returning from Ohio just after Christmas. The six episode season 1 didn't last through the 1st night...season 2 lasted just about a week. Before we finished season 2 I started telling Julia we needed to get season 3. We did (while visiting my parents in Duncan...they have a Wal-mart, we don't) and it was a good thing, because season 2 ended with a huge cliff hanger...

Season 3 is going a little slower now that we are back to our regular schedules following the holidays. We are ready to get caught up to the show in real time (made a little easier by the writers strike)...Luckily all of the current season (season 4) is available on NBC.Com.

That way it is just a once a week thing and not an every night thing...Not that I haven't enjoyed it, but I've got plenty of other things to do with my evenings...Not that I'm complaining...The office is great.

1 comment:


... You are Andy.

Just kidding, we got hooked on The Office just before we left Stillwater at the end of Season 2. We held an "Office Party" for the Season 3 Finale at our last house, then we had an "Office Party" for the Season 4 Premiere at the Hammonds. We are going to try to have our new house ready for a party when Season 4, starts up again. Stupid Strike! I have only one show that I say I have to see, and it's The Office.

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