Thursday, May 1, 2008

New vehicle

We are slowly saying goodbye to the days of our youth. Julia and I purchased our first real grown-up vehicle last Saturday. It is a 2005 Ford Freestyle. It has 3 rows of seats and can seat up to 7 people. It can get up to 30 miles to the gallon on the highway too.

It was either that or a 2008 corvette. Had to flip a coin, but ended up going with the Freestyle.

Bye bye sports cars and 4 wheel drive trucks...hello station waggons and mini-vans.

Or in this case a vanaggon...thanks for the new term Jimmy.


Okie Food Traveler said...

Awesome! We will be changing over to a minivan or SUV with 3rd row sometime this year, too. I can't believe it has come to this...old age! Glad to hear things are going good out there in Clinton...miss you, man!

The Belize Priority said...

Ah! The vanaggon... I remember those days, but never fear there's always a sports car around behind 40 somewhere!!!

Unknown said...

Dude, 30 mpg?! My Windstar gets 23 if I travel exclusively downhill. I may need to upgrade.

Congrats on being old, boring and LAME. The days of getting looks at stoplights are definitely OVER. Well, NICE looks anyways.