Thursday, March 5, 2009


So Julia is obviously not sleeping well being 7 months pregnant and all, but the problem is neither am I. At first we figured I was waking up because she was, but now I am sleeping on the coach and am still waking up. I'm not sure if my body thinks the baby is here already or what, but I am very tired and waking up 4-6 times every night. Doesn't bode well for my students the next day when I am cranky.

Spring Break in T-minus 8 days and counting. Maybe I can sleep then. Julia is leaving me for the week to go to Ohio for baby showers...Need to get the house ready to sell though, so we'll see.

Good Night all...hopefully.

1 comment:

Okie Food Traveler said...

She might try sleeping in a recliner. I have heard from numerous people, that is the only way they could sleep late in the pregnancy. Just a suggestion.