Wednesday, October 3, 2007


For those who don't know, Julia and I are now in Clinton, Oklahoma full-time. Things are going great. We are working on our new (very old) house, and have been getting to know our church and the town really well.

We had a record 50 attend Sunday morning services a few weeks ago, and had a record 90 at our Awana kickoff 3 weeks ago (70 of those kids). So far so good.

We hosted a 5th Sunday singing this past Sunday and had several churches attend. We had around 125 people there, so it was very crowded and exciting. It made me want to see the church that full every week.

I hope to blog at least every other week, from here on out, to keep everyone updated on everything at Victory.

1 comment:

Okie Food Traveler said...

I hope everything keeps going well out there Clinton. I wish you all the best.