Monday, February 12, 2007

Being Your Own Boss

I don't do well with unstructured time. Some people are really self motivated and push themselves to achieve and accomplish all they want and need to. I, on the other hand, have trouble focusing on tasks when I have all the say in how and when they are to be completed.

The funny thing is, I also become really obsessive about certain things from time to time. I will put hours and hours into an activity without even thinking about it. Sometimes it is something stupid, like video games or surfing the Internet, and other times it is something important, like planning an event or completing an important project.

I really wish I could find a way to get myself to a middle ground. A place where I am not scattered and unproductive, but also a place where I am not obsessed and consumed by what I am doing. Consistency, is really what I am looking for. Consistency in myself.



I hear ya my friend, especially trying to fix up the house, but I can also totally relate to when I was in Stilly.

Something my new boss instituted is an OMO, of course he has to manage 20 people not just himself. O.M.O. - One Minute Objective, not that your objective takes just a minute, but that you only take a minute to write out some objectives for the day. (he got that from the "one minute manager" book.) Sure there have been weeks where I pretty much sent in the same thing day after day, but it helps to actualize the goals the unmotivated have trouble seeing two hours into the day. But for you, without the Boss-Employee relationship, it's a little more difficult. It was for me, the whole "unstructured environment."

Maybe you and another "Minister" in Crime ... could send each other OMOs just as a creative stimulant and an accountability system ... but that requires motivation ... and the hand of God for some of us.

I've become really obsessive about Ping-Pong again. ahh the good ole days.

(and yes we've made lots of jokes about OMOs and (h)OMOs who don't turn theirs in on time.)


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