Wednesday, January 31, 2007

To Vent or Not to Vent

Many things in life are worth venting about. The question is when do you vent. When is it important to let it out, stop holding it in, and just gripe. I say now is a good time, and I don't mean right now, I just mean now; as in the present. Why hold things in. Sure you should watch who you say things to, and you shouldn't vent in the middle of Sunday morning service, but the present is definitely the best time to vent.

I guess it is also important to have someone to vent to. I'm starting to think that maybe it is best to vent to different people about different things though. I mean if you are always venting to the same person all the time, then you might just create a negative overtone to your relationship with that person.

So then comes the Blog. A place to vent. A place to put your thoughts. And a place to get that feedback on your idiosyncrasies. Now some may say venting on your blog is a bad idea. I say to that, fooey. I mean if you can't vent to the whole world (assuming the whole world reads your blog, which is highly unlikely), who can you vent to. Having said all that, I choose this day not to vent, because, won't be the present until tomorrow.


Unknown said...

When did Towell Boy ride the first time? I don't know if I'd claim to be "riding again" if nobody remembered my first ride. Really.


Really. It's like we're back in the band.

Okie Food Traveler said...

You give the guy a microphone for one song...then the guy thinks he was riding high. you see Jimmy...that is when he thinks he rode the first time. Now...nobody remembers the first ride.